Empower • Faith • Sacraments • Community
1. For what purpose are we here on Earth?
2. Why did God create us?
3. Why do we seek God?
4. Can we know the existence of God by our reason?
5. Why do people deny that God exists?
6. Can we grasp God in all concepts? Is it possible to speak about Him meaningfully?
7. Why did God have to show Himself in order for us to be able to know what He is like?
8. How does God reveal Himself in the Old Testament?
9. What does God show us about Himself when He sends His Son to us?
10. With Jesus Christ, has everything been said or does revelation continue even after him?
11. Why do we hand on the faith?
12. How can we tell what belongs to the true faith?
13. Can the Church err in question of faith?